Bicep Professional Tips for Body Builders

Best from the professional body building trainers. These tips are from the worlds best body builders and body building world champions.
Professional Tips Part 3 From the Professional Trainer strength Coach Matt Fox

Professional Tips From Stephen kirlew
Professional Tips From  Polly Foster

perform each move for 20 sec with no rest and between them do 5 circuits before a right out for arms to fill sleeves and catch eyes.
Clap press-up
In a Press-up position, lower until your chest touches the floor, then explosively push up to launch yourself off the ground. Clap your hands in mid air, then land and repeat it for 15-20 time
Clap Air Push
Clap Air Push

Air Push
Grab two full 1.5 liter water bottles ans hold them at chest height. As rapidly as possible, extend one arm forwards and the other arm back in a punching motion, building Power and size.
Chair Push
Take up a press-up position with your hands close together on a chair. Keep your elbows at your sides ans lower your arms are bent at 90 Degrees. Push back up. Nearly Done.
Bicep Curl and Press
Bicep Curl and Press

Bicep Curl and Press
Hold a pair of bottles of 1.5 liter. Palms up Slowly and curly them up, then press them above your head, Reverse the move. This is best for your arms

Find Out for More Professional Bodybuilding Tips from the Professional Body Building Trainers
Professional Tips
Ultimate Tips

Arm Your Self With Professional Training Tips Part2

Make your arm strong and professional looked with Professional tips from the six-time Champion Stephen kirlew
Perform 10 to 20 Reps of each move of the following move with no rest between. Do 3 Sets of the circuit, then challenge some one to a desk arm duel. 

Drag Curl
Hold a barbell, resting it on your quads. Curl the bar towards you chest, sliding the weight up you stomach hen return. This isolates your biceps, for faster growth. Repeat 15-20 sets
Drag Curl Narrow Press-up
Drag Curl | Narrow Press-up

Narrow Press-Up
adopt a press-up position with your hands together. Slowly raise your body, then lower again under control, and repeat. The slower you go, the more muscle you'll add to your arms.
Tricep Kick-Back
this inr targets you arms' biggest muscles. Hold dumbbells and lean forwards at 45 degrees. Extend the weight back until you forearms are in line with your body, then return. Perform 10-15 reps.
Tricep and Back Curl
Tricep Kick Back | Behind the Back Curl

Behind The Back Curl
Hold a Barbell behind your back, palms facing backwards. Curl the weight up until it's just above your glutes, using only your wrists and forearms. It's not all about your biceps and triceps

Find Out More Professional Training Tips

Arm Your Self With Professional Training Tips Part1

Here are the Some Professional Training Tips for m the World Leading Fitness Trainers and Fitness Models.
These tips gonna Help you through out you Fitness training and Body Building. 

Fitness tip From  Polly Foster
"To Build movie poster muscle, end any gym session with 4-5 sets of this circuit, with no rest between the individual move"
 Prone Incline Curl
lie face down on an incline bench. grab a pair of dumbbells, palms facing backwards, and raise them until your arms are fully flexed.
Repeat for a total of 15-20 reps
Prone Incline Curl
Prone Incline Curl | Lying French Press

Lying French Press
on a flat bench, extend your arms vertically, gripping a dumbbell. Lowers it behind your hand, then extend it again. Stopping before your arms lock out. Do it 15-20.

Narrow Grip Triceps Dip
Place your hands behind you on a bench just a few inches apart fro each other. Bend your elbows and dip. Complete 10-15 reps.
Ultimate Chin-ups
Ultimate Chin-ups | Narrow Grip Triceps Dip

Hang from a Pull-up bar, arms straight, palms facing you. Now pull yourself up as height as you can, Keeping you biceps under tension throughout. Perform 6-10 reps.

And Relax cover Model Arms are Now Yours
Find More Healthy Exercises Easy way

Amazing Abs with Plank Exercise

Amazing Abs with Plank Exercise

You have probably heard it before, but we’ll say it again–the plank is one of the best abdominal exercises ever. It’ll help flatten your abs, improve your posture and work your core, which helps stabilise your body and prevent injury.It also works your arms, shoulders and upper back. Keep challenging your self and stay motivated with some of our favourite variations.Enjoy!!
Best Plank Position
Best Plank Position 
Classic Plank

BENEFITS: Helps build a strong core, while improving your posture and working your arms,
shoulders and back.
● Starting at the top of a push-up position,bend your elbows and lower your self down until you can shift your weight from your hands to your forearms– your body should form a straight line,as above.
● Brace your abs(imagine someone’s about to punch you in the stomach), squeeze your glutes and hold.

Side Plank
Side Plank
TIME: 30 seconds each side
BENEFITS: Challenges your core from a different
angle while working your obliques and shoulders.

● Lie on your right side with your legs and feet stacked.

● Shift your weight on to your right fore arm. Open your chest and place your left hand on your hip.

● Lift your right foot and place it on top of your left leg, keeping your right elbow and shoulder in a straight line.

● With each breath,contract your abs a little bit harder.

Spider (WO) Man PLANK
REPS: 10 (5 each side)
Spider woman Plank
Spider Plank
BENEFITS: Works your deep core muscles and obliques
(at the sides of your waist
to cinch you in).
● Start in the top of a press-up position with your core braced and your body in a straight line from your head to your ankles (a).
● Lift your left foot off the floor and slowly bring your knee in towards your left elbow, as close as you can (b).
● Pause, then place your foot back on the floor where it started.
● Repeat with your right leg(c)

REPS: 10 each arm
BENEFITS: Tests your co-ordination and core
Up Dwn Plank
Up Down Plank
stability as you work extra
hard to keep your body in a
straight line during the move.
● Start in a press-up position with your arms and legs straight and your hands under your shoulders(a).

● Draw your navel toward your spine to engage your core and avoid straining your lower back.

● Keeping your torso parallel to the floor, lower your right fore arm to the mat (b), then the left (c), so you’re in an elbow plank.

● Next,step your right hand back on to the mat (d), then the left, pushing your self back up to start position (e).

● Try to avoid swaying your torso from side to side through out this move

You can do the plank any time, anywhere! Try it next to your bed when you wake up or during the ad breaks in your favourite TV show

What Do Vitamins and Minerals Do?

What Vitamins Do
What Vitamins Do

Vitamins are the most important part of an Human Body. They keep Human body save from Multiple Disease and Disorders. like the More Common Beri Beri. There are thirteen different vitamins, which support almost every system in
the body, including the immune system and the brain and nervous system.
Many of them help to convert food into energy and help the body to use carbohydrate, fat, and protein. They are also involved in regulating growth, making red blood cells, and protecting the body against harmful free radicals.
The fifteen minerals have mainly structural roles (such as depositing calcium in the teeth and bones) or regulatory roles (such as controlling fluid balance and muscle contraction). Iron is one of the most important minerals for active children as it is essential for the production of hemoglobin (the oxygen carrying pigment in red blood cells).
Vitamin Supplements are used now days for Better health and fitness. In many countries vitamins are Available in form of Food Supplements, Vitamin Capsules, Vitamin Tablets, Vitamin Tubes and many other forms of Vitamins.
Here is the some most Important vitamins types

Vitamins A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin U and Many More Vitamins

Consult Doctor Before Buying any food Supplement or Vitamin Supplement.

How Do Kids’ Diets Measure Up?

Snacking, grazing, and eating on the run are the norm for many children as our culture moves away from regular mealtimes. According to a U.S.government study of about five thousand children ages two to eighteen, the vast majority of American children eat a diet that is poor and needs improvement. As kids get older, their diets worsen; whereas 35 percent of children ages two and three have a “good” overall diet, only about 5percent of teenagers do. (The study assessed how diets stacked up against ten components, cumulatively labeled the Healthy Eating Index.) Specifically:

  1. • Of kids age four and older, fewer than 30percent ate the recommended number of servings of fruits per day, and fewer than 40 percent ate the recommended number of servings of vegetables per day (the number of recommended servings is a minimum of two fruits and three vegetables).
  2. • Sixty percent or more of children ages two to eighteen consumed more fat than is recommended (the amount recommended is no more than 30 percent of total calories).
  3. • Over 60 percent of children age seven and over consumed more sodium than the recommended 2,400milligrams (mg) or less per day.
  4. • More than half of all children over age three failed to eat the recommended number of servings of any of the five major food groups (grains, dairy, meat, veggies, and fruit).

Although the Healthy Eating Index didn’t measure sugar consumption, it’s very likely that in place of all the healthy foods kids are not eating, they’re consuming excessive amounts of candy, cookies, cakes, pastries, soda pop, and other sugary snacks. It’s when these poor eating habits are coupled with inactivity watching television, playing computer games, and getting around by car all the time that the trouble really begins. Too many calories and too little exercise will cause an unhealthy increase in their body fat.
Always go for best Diet and Actual calories. And make sure you will burn your Extra Calories by exercising daily and best way to keep healthy all time

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Best Diet Before Exercise

What Should Children Eat Before Training or Competition?

Kids Exercise Food
Kids Exercise Food
Energy needed Most for exercise is provided by whatever children have eaten several hours or even days before. Carbohydrate in their food will have been converted into glycogen and stored in their muscles and liver. If they have eaten the right amount of carbohydrate, they will have high levels of glycogen in their muscles, ready to fuel their activity.
If they have failed to eat enough carbohydrate, they will have low stocks of glycogen, putting them at risk of early fatigue during exercise. So Be Care Full
What they eat just before exercise will not affect their muscle glycogen levels. Rather, it will boost their blood-glucose levels, giving them just a little more energy for their activity and possibly postponing fatigue.
Food eaten just before exercise needs to
• prevent children from feeling hungry during training
• be high in carbohydrate
• provide long-lasting energy
• be easily digested
Foods with a moderate or low GI  are best because they provide sustained energy and will help children keep going longer during exercise. Don’t let them eat lots of sugary foods such as sweets and soft
drinks just before exercising. Doing so may cause a quick surge of blood glucose, followed by a sharp fall, which will leave them lacking in energy and unable to keep going at a good pace.
Carbohydrate Food
Carbohydrate Food

Avoid high-fat foods as well, because they empty from the stomach too slowly. A high-fat snack could make children feel uncomfortable and sick during practice or an event. Fats eaten before exercise do not raise blood glucose levels, so they will not benefit performance. So what is best? Either a low-GI carbohydrate food (e.g., fresh fruit or pasta), or a protein combined with a high-GI carbohydrate food (e.g., breakfast cereal with milk) will produce sustained energy. The boxes below give some ideas for suitable pre-exercise snacks and meals. It takes a certain amount of trial and error to find out which foods suit an individual child best and exactly how much to eat. Use the box as a guide to the right kinds of foods. Adjust the quantities
according to kids’ appetite, how they feel, and what they like. It’s important that they feel comfortable with the types and amounts of foods they’re eating. Don’t offer anything new before a competition, as it may not agree with them. Drinking is, of course, very important before exercise, so make sure children have a glass of water or diluted fruit juice fifteen to thirty minutes before training or competing.

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Kids Ultimate Health

How To Get Children to Eat Fruits and Vegetables?

Best For Kids Health
Best For Kids Health
Best For Kids Health It is often a struggle to get children to eat the recommended five daily por-tions of fruits and vegetables. National surveys in Great Britain have re-vealed that, on average, children eat fewer than two portions a day, a third
of the recommended amount! Studies of U.S. kids show similarly dismal pat-terns. This means that many children are almost certainly missing out on im-portant vitamins and minerals. Here are some ideas for encouraging them to
eat more fruits and vegetables:

  1. • Let children plant and harvest their own vegetable garden.
  2. • Get children involved with the shopping. Let them choose (and, hopefully, eat) a new variety of fruits and vegetables.
  3. • Get children involved with washing, peeling, and cutting vegetables.
  4. • Aim to include two different vegetables with the main meal (usually dinner) and at least one vegetable with lunch. Mix colors.
  5. • Aim to include two different fruits, either as snacks or at meal-times (see the following suggestions).
  6. • Establish healthy snack habits, making fresh fruit (whole or cut into bite-sized pieces), carrot, cucumber, and pepper matchsticks the norm for at least one snack daily.
  7. • Set a good example yourself. Children are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables if they see you enjoying these foods daily and if there is a plentiful supply in the house.
  8. • Children are more likely to eat small portions of two or three different vegetables than one large portion.
  9. • Top breakfast cereal or yogurt with chopped fruit, e.g., strawberries, bananas, grated apple.
  10. • Crudités (perhaps served with hummus, salsa, or a cheese dip) make good lunchbox foods.
  11. • Think outside the “meat and two veggies” box. All-in-one meals transform vegetables into dishes in their own right: think vege-table stew, vegetable stir-fry, and vegetable chili. 
  12. • Instead of tuna or cheese in baked potatoes, try steamed veggies or corn.
  13. • The tomato in pasta sauce counts as a portion, but next time, throw in a cupful of chopped broccoli, peppers, zucchini, or mushrooms.
  14. • Pass the fruit bowl around after dinner.
  15. • Fruit smoothies and shakes are a delicious way to get a portion or two of fruit. Purée strawberries and banana with orange juice and ice cubes.
  16. • Hide vegetables (e.g., carrots, mushrooms, spinach) in marinara sauce, soups, lasagnas, stews, bakes, and pies.
  17. • Include lettuce and tomatoes in sandwiches, or serve them on the side.
  18. • For younger children, make vegetables more fun. Arrange broccoli.
  19. • Younger children who refuse most vegetables will often eat “fin-ger” vegetables, such as sugar-snap peas, baby corn, green beans, baby carrots, and cherry tomatoes.
  20. • Add a few spoonfuls of frozen peas, corn, or canned kidney beans to the saucepan while cooking pasta or rice.
  21. • Fruit cut into bite-sized pieces may be more attractive than whole fruit for younger children.
  22. • Children can easily get bored with the same fruit (such as apples and bananas). Try exotic fruit (such as mangoes or pineapples) or berries (such as strawberries or blueberries) at least once a week.